Tuesday, September 23, 2008



So today I was hunting for books for my literature class with a few friends in the 2e arrondissement, and one in my party took us into a Zara store. Zara is French clothing for men and women with similarities to the American store Banana Republic. We were only in the store for a matter of minutes, but in that time they managed to play two of the most popular songs by the hit new artist Yelle. They're good, I won't lie, though I've grown tired of them after nearly three weeks of continuous play (and singing).

This is Yelle. Here are the songs I speak of:


Check it out! More updates soon!


fred said...

did Zara originate in France? we have one here. i think they exist most everywhere but the U.S.
i almost bought the faded purple pants.

Abhinay said...

Zara is Spanish, you American.