Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Deadbeat Blogger

- - Tried to post this yesterday but my laptop  battery died unexpectedly - - 

     I do not deny the charge. 

     Well, as of yesterday at 12:00pm I finished my last exam. This year's round of exams was surely the easiest I've experienced. In my experience, the academic work I did this past week was equivalent to a mild week of work at Kenyon. I ate a lot of chocolate and honey.

      I write this message from the McDonalds around the corner from the apartment because the internet is temporarily not operating.

     This coming weekend I will attend the marriage of my eldest host sister being held near the family's vacation home in the North. That will be nice. I will spend the week there, including Christmas. I boiling over with excitement - a week away from Paris is just what I need. 

     Last weekend I achieved greatness - a soirée of nearly 12 continuous hours. This is me bragging. Fortunately, more than half of that time was spent with my friends from the Sorbonne. Which reminds me - I still owe a friend two euro for the coat check. They really nickel and dime you here, every service has its price. Ketchup packets are provided upon purchasing your fries here at the McDonalds, and I haven't had ketchup in ages. To be fair, I ought to add that it is very clean, orderly, and the interior decoration is better than any I have experienced in the States. 

     The holiday ambience has not yet descended on me. Perhaps I should go shopping. Perhaps not.

     According to the New York Times:
"A package of dynamite planted in a luxury Paris department store was found and removed by the police on Tuesday, rattling the nerves of Parisians at the height of the Christmas shopping season. The store, Printemps, on the elegant Boulevard Haussmann, was just beginning to fill up with shoppers at 11 a.m. on Tuesday when the police swooped in, acting on a tip from a French news agency. They discovered five sticks of dynamite bound together with a cord in a restroom on the third floor of the men's store. There was no detonator with the dynamite, French officials said."

     On a lighter note, here's a photo from a field trip in which I participated with my Ancien Régime class from the Sorbonne. We went to the National Archives. These are the remaining keys to the Bastille.

     As you may know, my ear hasn't strayed from American music. Oddly enough, it has led me back in time to The Carter Family, Woody Guthrie, and other classic American folk artists. The older the recording, the better. Here's one I like, though admittedly the lyrics are dismal.
     Perhaps I'll update once again before I leave Friday, at which time I will receive my Carte de Séjour. I'll be legal!

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